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Sep 2, 2022Liked by Lafayette Lee

Your question about the problems surrounding military recruitment reminds of me something I heard on Eric Bandazewski's podcast where he talked to Demp a couple weeks ago. As you know, Eric just got out of the Army but he spent the last part of his career as a recruiter. He said something in the podcast I found interesting. He said (and I am paraphrasing) that half the country is telling all these kids in the Southeast US that they are bad people so they have decided not to join. And as you also know, the Southeast US is where a significant portion of the recruits have come from for decades.

It is a dilemma, obviously the military is terrible right now so on one hand, advising 18 year olds to not go into the military seems good advice. On the other hand, it also just makes sure the military fails sooner rather than later.

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